When a dental emergency dental near me happens, it’s important to get help quickly. Emergency situations include severe tooth pain, dislodged or fractured teeth, oral infections, lost restorations (such as crowns or fillings), and other conditions that require immediate attention.
If you experience a painful toothache, rinse your mouth with warm water and take over-the-counter pain relievers until you can see an emergency dentist.
Toothache is an emergency that can be caused by untreated cavities, dental fractures or a root canal infection. The pain usually throbs and it can get worse quickly. You can take over-the-counter painkillers to help reduce the discomfort. Babies can also experience toothache due to teething.
If the problem is severe, contact an emergency dentist. The dental practice will examine the tooth and take X-rays to determine the cause of the pain. The dentist will prescribe painkillers or a root canal treatment if necessary.
Some problems that may seem like emergencies are not actually urgent. For example, a chipped tooth that is not painful and does not have any bleeding might be able to wait for a few days until you can see your regular dentist. However, you can swab the area with clove oil or use a cold compress to ease the pain until your appointment. Other problems that need immediate attention include a dislodged tooth, soft-tissue injuries and dental abscesses.
Broken or Loose Wires in Braces
The wires that connect your brackets can break, causing discomfort and potentially disrupting the orthodontic process. In addition to pain, a broken wire can poke into the cheeks or gums and cause sores. Fortunately, there are several things you can do at home to ease the discomfort until you can see an emergency orthodontist in NYC.
Eating hard foods and biting down on objects can weaken the wires in your braces, causing them to bend, loosen or snap. Other causes include mouth trauma, such as a sports injury or getting bumped in the face; and habitual poking at the braces with fingers or sharp objects, which can weaken the wires over time. You can use a pair of sterilized tweezers to reposition the end of the wire in the area where it is irritating, or you can apply orthodontic wax to the wire. Rinsing your mouth with salt water and taking over-the-counter pain relievers can also help manage the discomfort.
Knocked-Out Tooth
A knocked out tooth is one of the most severe dental emergencies. Also known as an avulsed tooth, it occurs when a tooth is completely removed from its socket and cannot be replaced. It is a dental trauma that happens to more than five million children and adults each year. It is possible to save a knocked out tooth, however, proper action needs to be taken in the immediate aftermath of the injury.
Immediately after the accident, a patient must pick up the tooth carefully, holding it only by its crown (chewing surface) and not by the root. Rinse it gently to remove any visible dirt, but do not scrub it. It is a good idea to store the tooth in milk or saliva instead of standard tap water which can kill cells in the roots. If a knocked out tooth is not re-inserted within an hour, it is likely lost forever.
Swollen Jaw
A swollen jaw can be the result of an injury or infection. When a dental infection is the cause, it needs immediate care to prevent serious problems, like a jaw abscess. If you have a swollen jaw accompanied by severe pain, a fever or pockets of pus, call your dentist for instructions, and if the emergency is after hours, go to an urgent care center or your nearest hospital.
The swelling can also be caused by medications, food allergies or sinusitis. Rarely, a cyst or tumor may develop in the jaw area. To get to the bottom of the problem, a doctor will perform a thorough examination, including imaging tests and a biopsy. In some cases, oral surgery is needed to drain the cyst or remove a tumor. In other cases, antibiotics or root canal treatment may be necessary. The faster you get to a dentist, the better for your health and comfort. The quicker the problem is addressed, the more easily it can be fixed and the fewer complications there will be.